Monday, December 29, 2008

The family made it safe!!!

They were here when i came home and was immediatly greeted with a hug, i love my inlaws!!!! We hung out, we ate dinner and then we watched the rest of alladin (Which has a sound track that you cant help but sing along to ) The we opened presents and Emma, Zac, and i played on the ground with our "Cars" toys for the next hour till bed time. I love my family, i cannot stress that enough, I have a most amazing family!!!-Goodnight

Fun with starwars lego's

Good times !

A ripping remodel!!!

So im still trying to get used to this whole blog thing, i know i should update it more often but i dont, hahaha. So my wifes family should be here later today, WHICH IS AWESOME!!!! I love my inlaws very much. So we have had quite a bit of work around the house. Plus, our "cute, adorable puppies" broke out of thier kennel and tore up anything and everything they could get to in the garage, including a very old flag, (how unpatriotic) so we had to add that to the mix. Other than that life is good and the remodel of our basement, into an office & coffe shop is coming along nicely. Walls are painted and the old carpet is pulled up and the floor has been scraped, OI!
It should be only a matter of weeks before it all comes together.
We also got to go to church together this sunday seeing that we both had the day off, it was nice the worship was awesome but the preaching was watered down with stories that i personally didn't see the relevance in. But it was nice jut to have a sunday together with my wife.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here's some Christmas in your ear!

I like Christmas, I like when people wish me a marry Christmas, I love the season, i love the snow on the ground, the smell of a big holiday feast, spices, even though it's freezing cold there is still warmth in the air.
I also know that Jesus(WHO EXISTED and still does in glory) was most likely born in late spring and the celibration of his birth was shifted to coinside with the pagen's winter solstice so that fewer Christians would be persicuted. But i dont see many churches celibrationg Christ's birth in late spring all i see are "Christians" who are stubborn and dont want to celibrate it with everyone else, Dont be a turd, just teach you children about Jesus Christ and celibrate Him all year round, We need more parties MORE CHRISTIAN PARTIES!!!!! not fewer, not less elaborate, HUGE HUMBLE PARTIES THAT SHOW THAT OUR GOD LOVES AND ROCKS BIGGER THAN THE PAGENS!!!!!!

And here is my picture ....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sand is overrated

It's windy out side...and cold

I think journal entries need narrators

New carpet sucks until you take your shoes off

Time kills

I love my wife

Doing dishes may kill me one day

Empty swings may be the saddest picture ever

I sat at home all day, dinner with Becca and Andrew tonight, strangers may become friends and the end of the month, Rachels baby should be born here soon, I miss Washington, I dont have anyone to go out and take random pictures with ...but im ok with that cause that's Brian's spot and filling it would cheapin the experience...tea tastes better with honey freshly snached from a hungry bear...just thougt i'd let you know.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Hunting is like going to a discount food store where you have to sneek up on your food...cause it's STILL ALIVE!!!!!

Meat is cheaper when it can run away from you.
It runs REALLY FREAKIN FAST!!! and quiet.

All in all i had a great time and although i didn't catch anything it did make me wwant to gohiking more.

nuff fo now

Saturday, November 1, 2008


18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Why is it that without my wife no matter what, i feel alone....
The tv is on the computer is on i have books, dogs, food, beverages(2 or 3 at a time) a sketchbook, my bible, yet YET.........with out Lauras i always feel like something is missing....

This is a blog. yet another distraction, a good one, but a distraction none the less. It takes distractions for me, idle hands make for devils work...well i dont know about work but i do know about temptation....and idle hands deffinatly make for grave i blog because God is good and he "leads me from temptation." And i know some of the devils tricks, his lies, fake promises, and puffed up arrogant pride.
2 Corinthians 2:11
"11in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes."
Ephesians 6:11
"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's fall and that means PUMPKINS!!!

Went to the pumpkin patch with the Jones's. Laura and i had a blast.
What to watch out for in a pumpkin patch:
1. Dogs
2.. Rotten tomatoes
3... Ditches
4.... Poky pumpkin stems
and 5..... Wind storms that blow dirt in your eyes right when they widen at the sight of the perfect pumpkin...oh yeah, 5 1/2 ....., Honey
From Pumpkin Patch

From Pumpkin Patch

From Pumpkin Patch

Who needs sleep when you've got friends...oh yeah ..i do

Today was good
well great actully

i will spare some details

But at the end i got to hang out with
BRIAN was online but none the less it brought back good memories.

Thing to ponder for today:
If some one, who appears to be stoned or just sounds dumb is talking over theology, philosophy, evolution and other such topics, with a group of people who sound equally as stoned and he make a vary valid you really care or do you just disreguard him as a stupid stoner.

I fear the people speaking for Jesus, who wear jamacan beanies and wear hemp jewlery and play hackie sac

Friday, October 10, 2008

Puppies and Dinner

So this is the second day of "dogs gone wild" via our house....PUPPIES!!!
As it turns out puppies are awesome in theory !!!!
In reality they poop and pee on EVERYTHING...including the person holding them

This is Naphtily or Sydney and Laura:
This is Boaz or Blanco in the back on the way home:

And this is them getting along:


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sundays off and running

Costco gave me today off....i almost ruined it by trying to work.

I have to say that when there is no one to hang out days off suck! Guess im just lame like that.

B & A came for a visit from Mini.. I forgot how much fun i used to have with them. But alas they are gone ....

I peeked into the attic's just REally HOT!!! no priceless antiques or alien monsters...just dust and insulation...

well im gonna go paint a little sumthin for our friends new apartment i hope Steph likes it.